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What God has done for Mr. Muller and his associates, we cannot doubt that, under the same conditions, He will do for every believing disciple of Christ. Not only did Mr. Muller trust in God that all the financial means he needed would be furnished, but that, in answer to prayer, wisdom would be given him to manage the work. The result surpassed his highest expectations. If anyone will undertake any Christian work in a similar spirit and on the same principles, his labor will meet with a similar result.
Immediate results will not always be seen, however. We must not try to limit the omniscience of God by the short-sighted ignorance of man. It may best suit the purpose of infinite goodness to delay an answer to the prayer of faith. Crosses and disappointments may be experienced while we wait on God. But in the end these will promote the object to be accomplished.
There is no reason why we should not take the case of Mr. Muller as an example for our imitation. Whoever has this same simple desire in all things to do the will of God and the same childlike trust in His promises may hope for a similar blessing. God is no respecter of persons. “If any man doeth his will, him he heareth” (John 9:31).
All the teaching of the Scriptures confirm this belief. In the Scriptures, every form of illustration is used to show us that God is indeed our Father and that He delights to grant our requests for anything that is for our benefit and His glory. He pledges Himself to direct and help everyone who honestly labors to promote real faith in His Word.
No Christian, however poor and humble, should despair of doing a noble work for God. He never needs to wait until he can obtain the cooperation of the multitude or the wealthy. Let him undertake what he believes to be his duty, on ever so small a scale, and look directly to God for aid and direction. If God has planted the seed, it will take root, grow, and bear fruit. “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in princes” (Psa. 118:8-9).
George Muller was a living demonstration of the reality of the Scripture, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19).
H. Lincoln Wayland
Declaring God’s Word: A 365-Day Devotional Derek Prince
According to Scripture, Satan can be defeated if believers will stand on God’s Word and testify to what it says
about the mighty and powerful blood of Jesus-blood that cleanses us from sin and makes us righteous. For the first time, acclaimed Bible teacher Derek Prince will lead you to power and victory in this yearlong daily devotional. By Declaring God’s Word, you will become steeped in the Scriptures and overcome satanic oppression and attacks. Begin each new day by confessing the truth of God’s Word, and you will experience the love, power, and wisdom of God all year long.
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