Confess Christ as Your Saviour

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A little girl, wishing to make an open confession of her faith in Christ, called upon one who loved the Lord Jesus, and who preached His gospel.
Her friend was pleased with her apparent earnestness and sincerity, but wished her to think a little more on the subject before she took her place among the professed followers of Jesus.
This suggestion appeared to grieve the little girl exceedingly, and she departed in tears.
Soon afterward she returned, with a piece of cord in her hand, and with still greater earnestness said,
“I have measured the graves of children much younger than I am; and as they died, why may not I? And O! I would not leave the world without publicly showing my love to Christ.”
Being satisfied that she had, through grace, really believed on Him to the saving of her soul, her friend yielded to her wishes, and she has now the privilege of enjoying fellowship with other Christians in remembering and confessing Him who laid down His life for her.
Perhaps there are some of my little readers who have, like this little girl, been led to receive God’s testimony to His Son; who really know and believe that their sins are all put away by His one sacrifice on the cross, and who feel that they too would like to confess that they are His disciples.
Well, dear children, do not be discouraged in any way from doing so. You will certainly lose no enjoyment by taking your place decidedly among Christians; for if you really love the Lord Jesus, you will now find that all the pleasures of this world are not sufficient to make you happy; though Satan may use them for a time to make you very miserable, if you allow your heart still to go after them.
But if you take upon you the yoke of Christ, and learn of Him, you will find it to be an easy and a pleasant yoke, and will indeed “find rest unto your souls.”
You may not have much time allowed you to serve the Lord here; therefore do not delay, if you know Him as your “Saviour,” to confess Him as your “Master”; and if He grant you a long life on earth you will not find that it has been too long to work for Him, and live to His glory.
You will be well rewarded for all you may do and suffer for His sake, by hearing from His lips,
“Well done, good and faithfill servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:21.
But what can I say to those of my young readers who know they do not belong to Christ, and therefore that they cannot take their place among Christians?
O! if you know you are not saved! if you know that your sins are not pardoned, go at once to the Saviour, who stands with open arms to receive you. He loves you with a perfect love; only believe His word, and when you have tried it, you will say,
“The Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me,” Galatians 2:20.
ML 09/10/1944