Confess the Lord

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Many boys and girls are like a certain shell which floats to the surface of the water in calm weather, but which, at the first breath of wind, plunges to the depths of the sea. When with serious and believing friends, they pretend to be godly, but when they find themselves in a spot where they risk being made fun of, they are quite different! Their godliness lasts as long as fine weather allows them to sail without fear.
A young sailor who had found the Lord as his Saviour, once came to the chaplain on board and begged him to write a card, “I love Jesus.” The chaplain asked him what he wanted to do with the card.
The sailor replied, “Tomorrow we start out to sea. I am afraid of denying my Saviour, so I want to nail this card to my door so everyone can see it.”
Many falls, dear young folks, would be avoided if we would make an open confession of Christ, as this young sailor wished to do.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
ML 06/24/1956