OVER fifty years ago a well known preacher of the Gospel was holding meetings in the neighborhood of Lowick, Northumberland, and many souls were being saved through his ministry. There was a lime kiln nearby, where a number of carters were waiting their turn to draw supplies of lime, amongst whom was a young convert who was very timid and afraid to confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
Whilst those men were taking their frugal meal in a place connected with the Kiln, a young man came in, and commenced mimicking the preaching, seeking to bring contempt on the preacher. In his endeavor to make fun at the expense of the preacher he quoted some of the expressions he used, one of which was, “Ye must be born again.” The timid young convert looked up and said quietly, “Yes, and if you are not born again, you’ll be lost;” when to his surprise, the other bolted out more quickly than he came in. Besides this, all the others arose one by one and departed, leaving the young convert master of the situation, having the place wholly to himself.
What power is in the Word of God when used by the Spirit, although feebly expressed. It convicted those unconverted men, so that they went away; and on the other hand what joy it brought to the one who had been so much afraid, driving all fear from his heart; so that ever after confessing the name of Jesus was his joy and delight, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation; for the Scripture saith, whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed” (Rom. 10:10,11).
He was thus rewarded for taking a simple and definite stand for his Lord and Master.
Dear young believer, wherever you may be, let your light shine, and confess His blessed Name and you shall not be disappointed.
W. Duns.