Consider Him.

THE sky of Palestine, we know, is far clearer than our own: the starry worlds above appear to be suspended in the heavens―some nearer, some more distant from the earth than others―while the milky way shines again with its soft, clear light. If the innumerable could be numbered, the stars as seen there seem capable of being counted, so vividly do they shine. As David looked up to those heavens he exclaimed, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him?”
Let us for a moment consider together with David, and then turn to a word which speaks of our Jehovah-Jesus: “By Him were all things created...all things were created by Him, and for Him.” (Col. 1:16.) The great Creator has been mindful of us. He is our Redeemer; Jehovah-Jesus is our Saviour, our Shepherd, and our Friend.
It is well that His majesty and glory should engage our hearts, especially when our own anxieties and fears threaten to cast us down. Our Saviour, who is God over all blessed forever, is He who holds us in safety in the hollow of His hand. Further, it is well that His glory should be before us in the presence of the irreverence and unbelief of our times. There can be no true prosperity of soul where reverence of Christ is lacking, and real reverence flows out from the faith of who our Lord is.