To consider is to think carefully about something, especially when we are going to make a decision. There are many things that God would have us consider. In Matthew 6:28 we are told to “consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.” They don’t work, and yet if we were to examine them carefully, they are more beautiful than Solomon in all his glory. Then we are to “consider the ravens” (Luke 12:24); “they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them.” In the Old Testament we are exhorted to go to the ant and “consider her ways, and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6). These little creatures work all summer right through harvest season so they will have enough food stored for the long, cold winter. What valuable lessons we can learn from that which God has made all around us! We should take time to carefully consider that which God would like to teach us. As we open our Bibles, we find that there are very important considerations. Some of them concern our eternal destiny!
1. Lest we be wearied and faint in our minds, what should we consider?
Hebrews 12:___
2. Those who forget God are called to consider. If they refuse, what will He do? Psalm 50:___
3. What did the Lord of hosts want the people to consider? Haggai 1:___
4. David was considering the work of God’s fingers. What were they?
Psalm 8:___
5. If we want the Lord to give us understanding in all things, what should we do? 2 Timothy 2:___