I met a young fellow once who appeared perfectly contented—but he was all wrong. It was in Detroit, and I had just boarded the train for Chicago. Across the aisle from me was this young man who settled himself down in the seat, leaned back against a comfortable pillow, and prepared for his journey. He was the picture of contentment. But then he found out something which upset him completely.
The train had been rolling along for some miles, and by and by the conductor came collecting tickets. It was then the young fellow found out that he was on the wrong train! He was going in the wrong direction.
Do you suppose he told the conductor, “Look, I was quite sincere when I boarded this train. Don’t upset me by telling me I’m on the wrong train.” Of course not. He was not long in getting off at the next station and taking an eastbound train.
Dear young reader, you too, may be quite unconcerned and comfortable in your circumstances; you may be at peace with yourself and with the world, and yet on the wrong road the broad road that leads down to destruction.
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 14:12.
If you do not have Christ as your Saviour, you are on that broad road. Conversion means to be turned completely around. You can be converted this moment by coming to Jesus and taking Him as your Saviour and Lord. Then instead of being all wrong, you will be truly happy, contented and ALL RIGHT.
The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.