Contrary Influences Can Be Seen at Work Side by Side

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It is well to note that more than one influence can be at work, otherwise we may be led astray. Take the case of Peter, rebuking the Lord on the occasion of His testifying to His coming death and resurrection (Matthew 16:21-23). The Lord said to him, " Get thee behind Me, Satan, thou art an offense unto Me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men " (verse 23). Here is plainly a mixture of influence. There was the divine love for the Lord in Peter's heart, the fruit of the Holy Spirit of God, and precious to the Lord. There was the natural impetuosity so characteristic of the man.
And there was clearly, UNCONSCIOUS TO PETER, Satanic influence. The Lord detected this, and tracked it down to its source in. thus addressing Peter, this will help us to see that in many a deceit of Satan, there may be some element that looks like the fruit of the Spirit of God, and indeed may be so, for Satan can take advantage of what is of the Spirit of God to gain the ear of his dupes, and thus nullify what is of God. In this way we shall be wise to judge of a movement by considering ALL its features, and not to be led astray by one element which Satan tries to use for his own evil and bitter ends, but which God can and does use, in spite of Satan and all his subtlety.
Another case which is very pertinent to our inquiry is found in Phil. 1:14, 17. "Many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife: and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel." Preaching Christ must indeed be of the Spirit of God. Paul would not have rejoiced, if it were not so. But to preach it of envy and strife was to bring in a sadly contrary influence. Two influences were at work, at least, in this unhappy state of affairs. We may find out that Satan may use the very preaching of Christ, of the precious gospel, for his own evil ends. He cannot deceive people unless he brings in something undoubtedly good in order to disarm suspicion. We may find a good gospel preached as part of the devil's deception. Not that the gospel is deception, but the devil may use it for deceptive purposes, and God may, and does use it spite of the devil, as we have just seen in Philippians 1:14, 17.
We have now shown that there are three influences at work in this world: the Divine, the Natural, the Satanic, and that there may be a mixture of all three. With this clearly in our minds, we may prosecute our inquiry. We must let Scripture form our minds on the subject.
Does Scripture give us warning as to the subtlety of Satanic deceptions? It clearly does. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.