STEPPING from a car, in the city of Bradford, one Sunday evening, a young man noticed a crowd of people gathered at some distance down a short street.
Running towards the spot, he was disappointed to find nothing exciting, as he had supposed, but an open-air gospel meeting. Instead of some worldly excitement, the story of God's redeeming love to sinners was being told out.
It was an old, old story, and no doubt the young man had heard it often. It was not the sort of thing that he was interested in, however, and he turned away with an exclamation of disappointment.
But an unaccountable feeling caused him to turn back to the spot where the meeting was held.
One of the helpers, noticing him, ventured to ask him if he was a Christian.
“No," said our friend, bluntly and honestly.
But there was a tremor of the lip, and a moistening of the eye, that told its own tale. The Spirit of God had aimed a well-directed shaft at the young man's heart and conscience, and a desire had been awakened within him to be "right with God.”
Another of the helpers joined them, and opening his Bible at Rom. 10, read the golden words of the ninth verse. This is how they run: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
In order to show how personal application of these wonderful words must be made by everyone who seeks the blessing of which they speak, the Christian worker asked the young man to read the verse with his own name inserted instead of the twice-repeated "thou." So he read as follows: "If A— B— shall confess with his mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in his heart that God hath raised him from the dead, A— B— shall be saved.”
It proved to be the means of the young man's salvation. And if we place the record of this conversion at the street corner before you, reader, it is with the earnest desire that you may make a personal application of the words of Rom. 10:9 to yourself. You are entitled to do so.
If you take your stand upon this verse, and take the blessed One of whom it speaks as your Savior, you will never regret it. Such a step will have joyful results that will reach right away into eternity. It will mean for you salvation, and a share in the “unsearchable riches of Christ." H. U.