Correspondence: 1 Tim. 5:22; Barren Believers?; Jews After the Rapture?

1 Timothy 5:22  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Question: What does “lay hands suddenly on no man,” (1 Tim. 5:22) mean?
Answer: We see that carefulness was urged upon Timothy about those he might receive. If he laid hands on (that is, identify himself with) people too quickly, he might find himself associated with evil-workers. In verses 24 and 25 he again speaks of carefulness in receiving. Some men’s sins go beforehand, can easily be seen; others are not so easily seen, they follow after. And the same applies to the good works of some that are manifest; others who do not tell what kindnesses they do, but they cannot be hid. How wise the Scriptures are!
Question: Is it possible for one to be a believer in Christ, and not bear fruit?
Answer: “The Lord knoweth them that are His.” We are glad to see fruit, but fruit is for the Father, and He can see what we cannot see. Fruit makes no noise; it is the life of Christ seen in our behavior (Gal. 6:22-23). Even Lot is called a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7-8), but he was not a happy saint.
Question: What will become of the Jews after the church is caught up to meet the Lord in the air?
Answer: Both Jews and Gentiles may hear the gospel of the kingdom, and become true subjects of the King of Kings, and live to people the earth during the reign of Christ.
But the Jews or Gentiles and the professing church which will be left behind—all these who neglected, refused or despised the gospel when they heard it—will fall victims to the strong delusion, and will be eternally lost.