Ques. 83 What is the meaning of Genesis 22:17; Rev. 21:24? Do we not get the promise of earthly blessing to Israel and the nations in the eternal state? Who are to inhabit the new earth? N. S. C.
Ans. Genesis 22:17 is a promise to Abraham and to his seed, which is Christ (Gal. 3:16), that in Him all families would be blessed (Eph. 3:15).
Revelation 21:9-22:5 is a description of the church in Millenial glory, reigning with Christ over the world, Revelation 21:24-26 is the nations paying tribute to Christ through the church. Revelation 22:2, they receive healing through her.
Israel and the nations posses the earth then (Psa. 72).
In the eternal state, righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).
In the description of Eternity (1 Cor. 15:28; Rev. 21:1-8) New Heavens, New Earth and the Lake of Fire are mentioned. The heavenly families will still possess the heavens. The holy city New Jerusalem, the Bride adorned for her Husband — is seen, distinct from all. She is also the Tabernacle of God. He tabernacles with men, He is their God. Israel and the nations are seen no more. They are now men and God dwells with them in eternal bliss.