Correspondence: Exo. 15:11; Rev. 20:4; Phi. 2:17; Matt. 25:21,23

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Ques. What does "Fearful in praises" mean? (Ex. 15:11.) L. B.
Ans. The word fearful is sometimes translated reverenced. So we might read it, "Reverenced in praises." This was drawn out from Moses and the children of Israel's hearts as they witnessed the mighty power of Jehovah in their deliverance from and in the swallowing up of the Egyptians in the Red Sea. Psa. 89:7 uses the same word.
Ques. Will the Lord with His saints reign on the earth during the thousand years? (Rev. 20:4.) M. E. J.
Ans. All the Old Testament saints, with all believers of this present age, and all those who suffer martyrdom during the tribulation period, will reign with Christ, not on, but over the earth. Rev. 5:10 should read, "And they shall reign over the earth.”
In Zech. 14:4, we are told that in one act of judgment His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives.
Ques. How could Paul be offered upon the sacrifice and service of the Philippians' faith? (Phil. 2:17) H. M. F.
Ans. His joy in their faith and service was so great that he was willing that his life should be poured out as a drink offering upon it. To see Christ so evident in their lives, was a joy to his heart, and worth giving his life for.
Ques. Will the Lord be able to say to any of His own: "Well done, good and faithful servants"? (Matt. 25:21, 23) H. M. F.
Ans. The Lord did say to His disciples amid all their failures: "Ye are they which have continued with Me in all My temptations," (Luke 22:28,) where they could not impute faithfulness to themselves, He, knowing their hearts' earnest desire to please Him, though hindered by weakness and all that belongs to the flesh, could say it of them. We are His servants and His friends also. It is ours to serve in the intimacy of friends. And in glory "His servants shall serve Him." (Rev. 22:3.) No mixture of self in it then. But notice how Matt. 25:21,23, reads "His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." It does not say that any one was faithful in everything. What encouragement this is to seek to please Him in all that we can. (1 Cor. 4:5.)