Correspondence: Matt. 24:6-7; Gen. 9:6; John 1:9; Phi 3:2

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Ques. 113. Is the present war in Europe the fulfillment of the scripture Matt. 24:6, 7?
W. H. W.
Ans. Matt. 24:6, 7, refers to the time when the Jews will again occupy Jerusalem; when the gospel of the kingdom will again be preached (Matt. 24:14), and they will have their holy place or temple built again (Matt. 24:15), in the land of Judea (Matt. 24:16).
The wars, earthquakes, pestilences, famines. etc, that have taken place or may take place, ever since the destruction of Jerusalem, are not the fulfillment of prophecy. Prophecy centers around Israel and Palestine. God holds the nations in His hand, overruling, that no one of them gain the ascendancy over the rest, till the Roman beast rises again, end that cannot be till the Church is gone from the earth. The beast rises from the bottomless pit (Rev. 17:8) and his power is wholly from the Dragon, or Satan (Rev. 13:4). While the Church is on earth, He who now restrains will restrain until He be taken out of the way, and then the lawless one can be manifested. (2 Thess. 2:7, 8.)
The hope of the Church is the coming of the Lord to receive her to Himself (1 Thess. 4:15, 18), and there are no signs given for this, it may take place at any moment. The state of the Church as in 2 Tim., 2 Pet, Jude and Rev. 2 and 3, is our sign, and the conditions mentioned in these different Scriptures are already fulfilled. He may come now. Till He comes, we preach the gospel of the grace of God. The gospel of the kingdom comes afterward for Israel and the Gentiles.
Ques. 114. Will you kindly explain Gen. 9:6: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man"? A. L. S.
Ans. After the flood the government of the earth was put in the hands of men. Noah was the first governor: the executive power was put into his hands, and ever since, in every country, there have been "powers that be.... ordained of God." (Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13, 14.) The Christian is not a citizen of this world. He should not make the laws nor interfere with them, but be subject to them as ordained of God, except where they would come between his conscience and God, being contrary to the Word of God, having to obey God rather than men. (Acts 4:19; 5:29.),
Verses 5 and 6 require that a beast or a man that kills a man shall be killed by man.
Capital punishment was thus instituted by God and has not been repealed. It is for Jew, Gentile and Christian alike to be subject, but the Christian, being heavenly, should not interfere with the laws of the land in which he lives.
Ques. 115. What does "lighteth every man" in John 1:9 mean? S. P.
Ans. The "Word", the Son of God, is the true light, and, coming into this world, shines for every man-both Jew and Gentile. It shows what every man is by nature' It does not mean that every man sees it. The sun shines on blind men, but they do not see it. The light shows out what man is, and "the light was the life of men." It shines for every man so that all may receive the blessing of John 3:16.
Ques. 116'. What is the meaning of "the concision" in Phil. 3:2? M. C.
Ans. "The concision mean those who are trying to improve the flesh by cutting off bad habits. The truth teaches us that the death of Christ is the end of the flesh before God, and that our old man is crucified with Him. (Rom. 6:6.) The circumcision in Phil. 3:3 recognize this. Col. 2:11 means dead with Christ. "The concision" do not know this, but teach the improvement of man without redemption.