Correspondence: Matt. 7:6; Rom. 11:26; PSa. 138:2; 1 Cor. 15:29; Acts 2:16-17

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Ques. In what way can the Christian cast his pearls before swine, or give the holy things unto dogs?
Ans. Matt. 7:6: By arguing and discussing the precious things of God with unconverted men, or pressing truth, precious in itself, on those who are not exercised about it. We need to bear a testimony in this world to those around, but it is to be in the spirit of meekness, and with prayer that we may minister the right word. (2 Tim. 2:23-26.)
Ques. What does "All Israel shall be saved" mean? (Rom. 11:26.)
Ans. It means that Israel as a NATION will be saved. It does not mean that every Israelite will be saved. All of them, as well as all Gentiles, who have died without Christ, are lost for eternity, for they have died in their sins. Israel is to be gathered into Palestine again, and all the ungodly ones will be sifted out from them, and the rest will have the national place and be twelve tribes again. (Ezek. 38; Rev. 7; Heb. 8:8.)
Ques. Please explain Psa. 138:2: "Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name.”
Ans. The absolute authority of the Word is seen in this verse. Jehovah has made His Word great above all His renown. We must therefore receive and honor the written Word above all the general teaching about Him: above everything else.
Ques. Please explain 1 Cor. 15:29.
Ans. The 29th verse must be read in connection with verses 16-18, verses 20-28 being a wonderful parenthesis. The word "for" has often the sense of "in view of." God was pleased to let the Church, during the first three centuries, be sorely subject to fearful persecutions. To be baptized was to take a step, with nothing in this world but death in view, or, as we say, death before them. They were baptized unto a crucified Savior baptized into His death, and, so to speak, buried with Him in baptism. And why should they take such a place, with nothing but a cruel death before them? But Christ is risen, and this altered everything else. What should they do which are baptized for (or in view of) the dead, if the dead rise not at all? It has been said, Why should they fill up the ranks that were being swept off by the most cruel deaths? Paul then seems to refer to this in his own history. But why do this, if there be no resurrection? Truly they were "as sheep for the slaughter.”
Ques. Is there any authority in the Word of God for women preaching? Does Acts 2:16,17 give any?
Ans. 1 Cor. 14:34-36 and 1 Tim. 2:12, distinctly forbid women speaking in public, or taking a place as teacher or preacher to men. We never find a woman speaking publicly in Scripture. Mary carried a message to the brethren (John 20:17, 18). Philip had four daughters that prophesied, but it must have been privately. Women were forbidden to be speakers in the assembly. The quotation from Joel's prophecy will be fulfilled in the day of Israel's restoration. The apostle said, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;" that is, it was of the same kind. It was not drunkenness as they supposed.