Ques. Please explain Psalm 138:2: "Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name."
Ans. The absolute authority of the Word of God is seen in this verse. Jehovah has made His Word great above all His renown. We must therefore receive and honor the written Word above all that we have heard of Him: above everything else.
Ques. Is there any authority in the Word of God for women preaching? Does Acts 2:16-17, give any?
Ans. 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 and 1 Timothy 2:12, distinctly forbid women speaking in public, or taking a place as teacher or preacher to men. We never find a woman speaking publicly in Scripture. Mary carried a message to the brethren (John 20:17-18.) Philip had four daughters that prophesied, but it must have been privately. They were forbidden to be speakers in the assembly. The quotation from Joel's prophecy will be fulfilled in the day of Israel's restoration. The apostle said, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;" that is, it was of the same kind. It was not drunkenness, as they supposed.
Ques. Please explain, "And all Israel shall be saved." (Romans 11:26).
Ans. Just now, Jews and Gentiles are all alike needy sinners, are all concluded in unbelief. (Rom. 11:32, John 3:36.) All now must accept Christ and His atoning work on the cross.
Ezekiel 37:11-12. "The whole house of Israel" is the uniting of the two and the ten tribes together into one stick, one kingdom. "I will open your graves," in this passage and in Daniel 12:2, is taking the Israelites out from among the heathen nations and bringing them into their own land (Ezek. 37:21).
Zechariah 12:9-13:1. This is the way the Lord brings every one of them who will be saved, to repentance, and the fountain is opened for them; but in Zechariah 13:8-9, we see two-thirds of them cut off and die; in Ezekiel 20, it is the ten tribes who are brought into the wilderness and are purged there, so that the rebels do not enter into the land at all. (Ezek. 20:34-38). (Read also Matt. 13:41-42.)
The Antichrist is himself a Jew (Dan. 11:37), and is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20).
But in the Millennium, when the covenant is established with Israel (the ten tribes), and with Judah (the two tribes), then each of them shall know the Lord, from the least of them unto the greatest of them (Heb. 8:8-12; Ezek. 36:25-29).