Ques. What does the "Nicolaitanes" refer to in Rev. 2:6, 15? J. W.
Ans. The word means "conquering the people." It points to the time when clerisy (clergy distinguished from laity) took its rise. It began by the deeds of some in Ephesus setting themselves up as the spiritual ones, who were more fitted to take part in the assembly. "Which thing I hate," says the Lord, for it hinders the people's worship and the Spirit's leading, and robs God of the worship due to Him. In no place in Scripture do we find the Lord setting one or more men over a congregation to order their worship.
The Church at Pergamos was dwelling in the world where Satan's seat or throne is, and there in that worldly condition, we find Balaam's doctrine that seduced the people into fornication, that is, linking the world and the Church together in the world's idolatry. And the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, that they taught as the truth, was the very thing that God hates, and set up a system entirely contrary to God's Word.
Ministry, that is, evagelists, pastors and teachers, are given of God to minister to the Church; true ministry comes from Christ in glory, but they are never appointed by men. (Gal. 1: 1; Eph. 4: 8, 11-13.) There is no such thing as ordination of the clergy in the Word of God.
Elders and deacons, offices, but not gifts, were appointed by the apostles. (Titus 1:5.)
What loss to God and to His people, the rise of Nicolaitanism has been. And let us beware of this very danger rising up among those gathered to the name of the Lord. (Matt. 18:20.)
Ques. Please explain 1 Cor. 11:5, 10, 11. J. G. M.
Ans. From verses 3-16 we have God's order in creation. The man was to have his head uncovered when praying, because he represented authority. The woman was to be covered as a token that she was subject to the man, her covering being a token of the power to which she was subject. Angels learn by object lessons given by the redeemed, so the man and the woman cannot do without each other. Her hair is the sign of the place which God has given her.
"Given as a veil, her hair showed that modesty, submission-a covered head that hid itself, as it were, in that submission and in that modesty-was her true position, her distinctive glory."
Both man and woman should also read 1 Peter 3:1-7.
A hard spirit in a man against his wife under any circumstances is forbidden of God. (Col. 3:19.)
Ques. Why was Moses to write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua? Exo. 17:14. H. M. F.
Ans. Because Amalek, the active enemy of the people of God, can never be forgiven. (Compare Deut. 25:17-19; 1 Sam. 15: 2, 3, 18, 32.)
It is the power of Satan in the enemies of God's people seeking to destroy them. So it is from generation to generation.
Ques. Why did the Lord hinder Mary from touching Him? (John 20:17).
Ans. Mary, in this passage, represents the new position and relationship given to the believing remnant of the Jews, and so to Christians every where. He was now taking His place as a risen and ascended One to the Father's right hand. Therefore she is not to know Him any longer after the flesh, but by faith, and their relationship is a new one that could not be known before Christ died. "My brethren." "My Father and your Father, My God and your God." Inside the Jewish sheep-fold this could not be known. No Old Testament saint ever called God, "Abba Father." This belongs to saints of this present time only. (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6; 2 Cor. 5:16.)
In Matt. 28 the women hold Him by the feet, yet He did not rebuke them, for there He appears as the Messiah. So also in John 20:27 with Thomas.