Ques. 180 By K. B. H. Who were the Nicolaitanes and what was their doctrine?. (Rev. 2:6, 15.)
Ans. We are not told who they were, but they are supposed to be the followers of Nicolas, an obscure sect who while professing to be saved, lived immoral lives. The assembly is commended of the Lord for hating their deeds. In verse fifteen the evil is taught, and the assembly is blamed for allowing it. Balaam destroyed Israel by introducing evil among them, and here we find, both Balaam and the Nicolaitanes teaching in the assembly. Balsam associating the assembly of God with the world and worldly religion; the other, teaching that its evil practice is right. (Rom. 6:1, 2.) As "Nicolas" means "conquering the people", the name might teach us that some set themselves up, or were set up as above the body of the people to minister in spiritual things. This dividing of the people into clergy and laity, robs God's people of their place as priests to God. And robs God of the worship due to Him. Ministry is given from Christ on high without appointment by men. (Eph. 4:8, 11,12.) Offices, as elders and deacons, were appointed by the apostles, but these are not gifts.
Ques. 181 By S. K.
Ans. Heb. 1:13 quotes Psa. 110 to show how much greater the Lord is than angels. In Heb. 10:13, it is to show the better sacrifice and priesthood of the Lord than of Israel's. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God; from henceforth expecting till His enemies be made His footstool. For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified." There was no seat in the tabernacle. Eli's seat in 1 Sam. 4 denotes the decay of the priesthood of his house. With the Lord, the work is done; He has sat down and that one sacrifice perfects all His people.
Psa. 110 is the One rejected on earth, glorified on Jehovah's throne, on His right hand, the place of honor, The present time gathering of the Church is not seen in it. In Heb. 7 He is seen there as our Great High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, and its character is Aaronic, that is, to a needy people compassed with infirmities. Luke 19:12 compares Him to a nobleman who has gone into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. He receives the kingdom from the Father-Jehovah, and comes back to take possession In verse 27. He carries out the judgment upon His enemies who rejected Him. Matt. 22:7 is the judgment that fell on them by the Romans. These stumbled on the Stone and were broken. In the day that He comes He will fall on them and grind, them to powder. (Matt. 21:44.)
This judgment will go on till the last enemy is destroyed. "Jehovah shall send the rod of Thy strength out of Zion. Thy people also shall be willing is the day of Thy power" Then the Lord shall sit as a Priest on His throne; King and Priest, the full Melchizedek character exercised then. Israel's armies will go forth to subdue the nations, and in the type of it (Gen. 14:18) we see Him coming out to bless and refresh His returning victorious armies. Many scriptures refer to this time when Israel is restored, but the nations not yet subdued. (Compare Psa. 149; Isa. 11:13, 14; 31:4, 5; 41:14-16; Jer. 51:20, 21; Ezek. 25:14; Chapter 38 and 39; Mic. 4:11-13; 5:5-8.)
Ques. 182 By P. E. W.
Ans. Converts are not asked by the Lord to baptize themselves. The responsibility is put on the Lord's servants to see that they are baptized. The Lord is instructing His servants in Mark 16:15, 16. Converts should submit, servants obey. If any have already been baptized "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," it is already done, and to re-baptize any such, is an act of man's without any true scriptural significance in the sight of God. The use of baptism is to bring a Jew or a Gentile from that position, on to the ground of the Church, the house of God. It is better to instruct the converts in its use, than to sin against the word and add to the confusion of christendom.
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