Correspondence: Unbelief; John 3:18; Lev. 7:15-16; Gen. 8:21; Rev 3:14; 1CO 12:28

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 7min
 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Ques. Is unbelief the greatest sin? Does John 3:18, Mean that only those are lost who have refused to believe the gospel? B. H.
Ans. It was because man was lost, a sinner in nature, by birth and by practice, that God sent His 'on in love to die. Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. (Matt. 9:13, Luke 19:10.) The Jew, the Gentile and the unconverted professor of Christianity will all be judged for their sins. (See Horn. 2:12; Matt. 22:12.) And read carefully Rom. 9:22; Eph. 5-6; Col. 3:6, which show that the unconverted have fitted themselves for eternal wrath by their wicked works. None will be loss: because that they were born sinners, but all will he judged for their sins that die without Christ. Babes that die before the years of responsibility are saved by the death of Christ. (Matt. 18:10)
Those to whom the gospel is preached, who neglect it or reject it, do indeed add to their sins, the worst one of all, for by so doing they are condemned already. But whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins, full forgiveness. (Acts 10:43; 13:38, 39.)
If they will not believe it, this crowning sin seals their doom, and their judgment will be greater than those who have never heard the gospel. (Luke 12:47, 48.)
All are lost without Christ. "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6.)
Ques. In the law of the peace offering in Lev. 7:15, 16 does it mean that the offerer ate of it, as well as Aaron and his sons? Did it express communion with one another? Does our communion go on to 1 John 1:3, "fellowship with the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ?" And is it the same fellowship in ver. 7?
Ans. In the peace offering (Lev. 3:3, 4) we have Jehovah's portion of the offering, in the inward energies, emotions and feelings of the Lord typified. In the offering priest, type of Christ (verse 33), the right shoulder is for His part, the strength is His. Aaron and his sons, type of Christ and the Church (verse 34), feed on the wave breast and the heave shoulder together. There love and strength are both seen. It is the fellowship of the whole Church of God.
Then the offerer and his associates eat the rest on that day; if it was a thank offering, and if a voluntary offering, the spiritual power continues another day; but after that, the remainder must be consumed with fire. It must always be connected with offering to God. And it was the common enjoyment of all believers if they were clean from defilement. Therefore the directions follow the law of the sin and trespass offering.
In 1 John it is necessarily higher than Lev., for it is the fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. This is Christianity, the knowledge of the Father and of the Son. It is only known and enjoyed since Jesus died and rose again. It is wonderful to have delight in what the Father delights in, in His Son, and with the Son in the knowledge of the Father.
To have such fellowship, we must be in the light, to have communion with each other, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sin. This is a statement of our Christian position, and without it we could not have fellowship with the Father and the Son.
Ques. A. Does Gen. 8:21 imply that the curse of Gen. 3:17 is removed? J. T. G.
Ans. We find in Gen. 8:21, the answer to Lamech's prophecy in Gen. 5:29. "Noah" means "consolation."
On the ground of sacrifice, pointing to the death of Christ, God starts the world again, though man is incorrigibly bad. He gives relief from the curse by cultivation, promising seed time and harvest and all the seasons to run their course without fail Noah fails to govern himself; the first magistrate or ruler was the first victim to drunkenness by cultivating a vineyard. It is on the ground of the propitiation of Christ that God can bear with this present world.
B. When were all things given into the hand of the Son? (John 3:35.)
Ans. In creation, as in redemption, we find the Son doing the Father's will. It is the Father's will, the Son's work, the Holy Spirit's power. He has it by inheritance, but in John's gospel where He has emptied Himself, and taken the servant's place, we find all things put into His hands as a man who has vanquished death and the grave, and all the power of Satan. And who can claim a place for man in heavenly glory. The blessing is obtained in resurrection. And so also is His Messiah ship in Psa. 21: 1 given in resurrection.
Is Rev. 3:14 the beginning of the new creation?
Ans. Yes, and so it is in Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5. But in Col. 1:15. He is the first born of all creation; that is, when He became a babe, He must necessarily be the highest part of it. First born is a title of dignity. Only begotten is the Father's title of affection for the One who ever lay in His bosom.
Is 1 Cor. 12:28 for the body or for the world?
Ans. 1 Cor. 12 shows the functions of the body in its activities in the assembly on the earth, as when the apostle wrote-not for continuance. We may not take the place of evangelists, pastors or teachers, but we may be helps, and if walking with the Lord will be helping to guide the saints in His ways.
"God Is Good!"