
FROM various quarters we have received encouraging words in connection with the article in our March issue. To still further promote the spirit of prayer and intercession, we print the following letter. We are more and more persuaded that God is about to send out a mighty wave of blessing. Pray for it earnestly, expect it confidently, and soon we shall have cause to praise God for it joyfully.
MY DEAR BROTHER, — I feel thankful for your article, “A Sound of Abundance of Rain,” and share your belief that the Lord will awaken His saints, and work a revival in view of His coming. I do not think that implies that one says, “My Lord delayeth His coming,” for who can tell what He is working at this hour in the souls of His own? But it is so like Him to specially prepare His people for what He is about to do. The “shout” will not fall on unheeding ears, but on ears prepared by grace and waiting for Him. Indeed, the “midnight cry” in the parable of the ten virgins is preparatory to His arrival, and only profits to the “wise virgins” who are all awakened and trim their lamps. That is true revival.
As to an ingathering of souls by the gospel, I look for that too, believing that it may take a few moments or a few years. He is coming “quickly,” and as His people are roused to prayer and humiliation, so can He use them abundantly even at the last moment. Such a mighty work can be done without any public rehabilitation of the assembly, and so grace can triumph where man has failed.
But humiliation must accompany prayer, as you say. In many assemblies saints are found out of harmony with one another, instead of being of one mind. How often through lack of care are souls found straying. Then, too, self-judgment is needed, for it is with oneself that judgment must begin.
1Timothy 2. is the great warrant for prayer for the gospel. “First of all,” not preaching but prayer. “I will that the men pray everywhere.” God will not fail to ordain preachers to testify, but all should pray and give thanks too, for the ransom has been paid for all. “God, our Saviour,” what a precious title! — Yours affectionately in the fellowship of the Spirit, F. M. H.
IN John 13:31, 32 we find that God will not keep the Son of man till the glory of the millennial day to invest Him with His honors, but will glorify Him “straightway”: in Luke 23:42, 43, we see that the blessed Son of man will not allow a repentant soul (even a dying robber) to wait till that same kingdom to obtain a portion of remembrance, but will encourage his last hours with the assurance, “To-day shalt thou be with Me in paradise.”
May we not say that the latter is a perfect reflection of the former? Except that the first is the response of righteousness to absolute perfection, and the second infinite grace meeting as deep a case of need as the world could afford.
F. L.