
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
19. “W. J. B.,” Islington. The word “Dives” is 8 Latin adjective signifying “rich,” and is a brief way of expressing, “ the rich man.”
20. “F. E. D.,” Lurgan. There is a difference between the parables of Matt. 25:14-30, and Luke 19:12-27 —a difference appearing upon the very surface of the scripture. In Matthew, the master gives “to every man according to his several ability.” In Luke, all receive alike. The former illustrates divine sovereignty; the latter, human responsibility.
21. “E. R.,” Near Epsom. You will find the information you desire in a small pamphlet entitled, “A Scriptural Inquiry into the true nature of the Sabbath, the Law, and the Christian Ministry.” You can get it by sending three postage stamps to our Publisher, Mr. Morrish, Warwick Lane; or to Mr. Broom, Paternoster Bow, e.c. We feel assured the Lord will guide you into His own truth. He has said, “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Precious promise! And again, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.” Give yourself to the prayerful study of the holy scriptures; and, as light breaks in upon your soul, act upon it at once, with firm decision. Hesitate not. Look not at consequences. “I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.” There is nothing more dangerous than to play fast and loose with the truth of God; it is almost sure to be followed by judicial blindness and hardness of heart. And remember, dear friend, God never gives light for two steps at a time. Say not, “What shall I do next? or whither shall I go?” The word is, “Cease to do evil,” and then you will “learn to do well.” But so long as we are mixed up with evil and error, we are surrounded by a moral haze which hinders our seeing what is good and right and true. May God guide you and bless you! This is our earnest prayer for you.
22. “Β. T. S.,” Barbados. Accept our best thanks for your interesting letter. May the Lord greatly bless your work!
23. “S. E. L. O.” Thanks for your precious lines. They breathe just such a spirit as we greatly covet. God bless you!