62. “Pater.” We can assure you of our hearty sympathy and interest in the subject of your letter. Your path is very simple. You have only to train your dear children for God, and count on God for your children. The Spirit of God alone can make a child understand divine things; and it is not for us to fix a limit as to the precise age at which a child can take in the truth of God. It is the Spirit’s work, and He can make babes as well as sages understand. A little child is the very model on which everyone must be formed who will enter the kingdom of God.
63. “Emma,” Bow. It would seem from John 13:30, and Acts 20:7, 8, that the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in the evening. But we cannot see that there is any principle involved, whether it be morning, noon, or eventide. We should feel happy in breaking bread at any time. It seems to us that the Holy Ghost has left the question open; and our ordinary habit of breaking bread in the forenoon has the advantage of being most convenient to the generality of Christians.
64. “D. S. J,” York. We do not consider that John 9:31 has anything to do with the matter to which you refer. The Holy Ghost records what the blind man said to the Pharisees; but we believe that God is ever ready to hear the cry of any poor needy soul that looks to Him through Jesus. We are, each day, more and more convinced of the vast differences between the cold dogmas of theology and the loving heart of a Savior-God. There is a rigid, repulsive manner of using the letter of certain texts of scripture, with which we have no sort of sympathy; we believe it to be contrary to the spirit of the gospel, and the mind of Christ. “God is love.” Precious words! True, He has His counsels and purposes; but the activity of His nature is love, and therefore all are welcome to come. He is a Savior-God; and “there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Go on, therefore, beloved, to press upon your fellow-sinners, with all possible earnestness, their solemn responsibility to flee, now, from the wrath to come, and lay hold upon eternal life.
65. “G. D. S.,” Ipswich. We do not, at present, know any book to recommend you on the subject.
66. “Β. H.,” Cavan. Study, prayerfully, Rom. 3:21-26 and 2 Cor. 5:21. Wait on God for teaching. He will make all plain to you if only you seek His guidance in humility and earnestness.
67. “J. V.,” Cardiff. Your letter has come to hand. Wait on the Lord. He will guide you, most assuredly. To Him we commend you.
68. “W. K.,” Kent. Rom. 3:30 presents the difference between the Jew and the Gentile in this way; the Jew had been tried on the principle of works of law: the Gentile had never been on this ground at all; hence it was necessary to bring out this distinction, which the apostle does by the two words “by” and “through.” The passage may be rendered as follows, “Seeing it is one God who shall justify the circumcision on the principle of faith” (εκ πιστιως)—in contrast with the principle of works— “and the uncircumcision through faith” (βια πιστίως). The latter clause simply sets forth faith as the instrument without any reference to the contrast between the two principles. It would be a great mistake to suppose that there is no difference between the words “by” and “through”—tic and δια. The former expresses the ground or principle; the latter merely the instrument.
69. “Μ. M.” We heartily thank you for your kind and interesting note and the accompanying lines.
70. “L.” Study 1 Cor. 1:18-31. It contains a divine reply to your query.
71. “C. C. F. A.” Thanks for the books, which came safely to hand.
72. “J. D.,” Stowmarket. The reading in our Authorized Version of Rom. 8:33, 34, seems quite correct.
73. “Ε. T.” Your letter has affected us deeply. The testimony of the dear departed one was truly precious. The Lord be praised for its clearness, fullness, and simplicity! May He comfort you, beloved, by His own direct ministry! May He pour the rich consolations of His love into your stricken heart! We do most heartily commend you to Him. He alone can heal the wound which has been made in your heart. He turns the valley of Baca into a well.