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55. “S. Τ. A.” Scripture is totally silent on the subject of your letter; but the Spirit, if waited upon, will most assuredly guide in this as in everything else. We feel disposed to judge that the person who breaks the bread ought also to give thanks for the cup. It is one service. But we do not dare to lay down a rule. A person might have spiritual power to give thanks for the bread, and fail as to the cup; but we have never seen aught of the kind. The Lord is sufficient for all. Let us only wait on Him.
56. “W. M.,” Staffordshire. Thanks for your truly kind letter. Heb. 10:20, 27, like chapter 6:4-6, is a solemn warning against the deliberate abandonment of Christ, on the part of those who had professed to give up Judaism and embrace Christianity. It is well for us all to give heed to every warning voice which the Holy Spirit causes to fall on our ears; although we know, thank God, the eternal security of the very least of Christ’s members. It is interesting to notice that the most solemn warnings of this epistle are closely connected with the strongest expressions of assurance and confidence. Compare chapter 4:1, with verse 10; chapter 6:4-6, with verse 7; chapter 10:26, 27, with verse 39.
57. “C. J. H.,” Leeds. 3 John 1:7 evidently applies to such as go forth in the Lord’s service. Those, of whom the apostle speaks, felt it to be their happy privilege to make the gospel of Christ without charge. They took nothing of the Gentiles. The scripture has nothing to do with persons receiving kindness from their unconverted relatives. This latter must be taken up, in each case, upon its own merits.
58. “W. P.,” Shanghai. Your interesting letter has come to hand, for which we tender many thanks. May the Lord lead you on in His own blessed ways; and make you an effectual workman in His vineyard!