37. “Κ.,” Dumbarton. An evangelist is sent out by the Lord as His servant to declare His message, and is dependent on Him as to where and when he should preach. Saints should be his helpers in prayer and other ways, and a godly brother may seek to set him right as to doctrine or practice, if he requires it; but he is the Lord’s servant. We know of no society recognized in scripture but the church of God. Any system which associates saints and sinners together in a common membership is contrary to the truth, and cannot be of God. The believer is set apart by the Father’s choice, the blood of Jesus, and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.
38. “G.,” Bristol. We are informed that another hymn-book will shortly be published, and-that it will have an Appendix.
39. Springfield. The paper has safely reached us.
40. “H. S.,” Somerset. Looking to the Lord, and waiting on Him in prayer and faith, He will assuredly guide you. We do not see why a christian man might not pursue certain parts of such professional duties to the Lord, but watchfulness is needed in almost every kind of employment in these days of practical unrighteousness.
41. Portsmouth. We are unable to express a judgment of the cases referred to, without further testimony. The Lord will make all plain, if He be really sought. It is well to remember that we have in scripture beside the judgment of the assembly, self-judgment, and the judgment of the Lord. Without self-judgment how can we discern clearly the state of others? There are cases which specially come within the sphere of the Lord’s judgment. (1 Cor. 11:30-32; 5:13.)