Counsel for the Day of Small Things.

THE active ways of God, in all times of blessing, consist in reproducing the glories of the work of the Lord Jesus. The darker the long night of apostacy becomes, the more distinctly the light of life shines. The word of the remnant is, “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.” He is the only gathering point. Men make among themselves confederations, having many things in view; but the communion of saints cannot be known unless every line converge on this living center. The Holy Spirit does not gather the saints around simple views, true as they may be, on what the church is, on what it has been, or on what it may be on the earth. He gathers them always around this blessed person, Who is the same yesterday and today, and Forever. “Where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20). We are certain that Satan and the flesh will seek to resist this work and this way of the Lord, or to overthrow them. We have need to be guarded from boasting as is the case in these days; we need to be kept peaceful in the presence of God: there is so much independence and self-will almost everywhere.
“We shall do great things” is the most unbecoming cry that can be heard at this time, when the light has made evident how little has been done. God has made us know His truth as that which delivers us. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” This liberty is not that of the flesh, because it penetrates our hearts with all the reality of a separation well known to God Who is holy. Thus one gets straight into his position with one’s heart broken and humbled. If any one talks of separation from evil without being humbled about it, let him bare lest his position be simply that which at all times has formed sects, and has also produced heterodoxy in doctrine.
As to our service, we have seen our precious Lord and Master in profound abasement wash the feet of His disciples, giving Himself as an example, — to whom? To us assuredly. Now I know no service at the present time which is worthy of Him and agreeable to Him, if not done in humiliation. This is not the time to speak of a place for ourselves. If the church of God, so dear to Christ, is in this world dishonored, dispersed, ignorant and afflicted, he who has the mind of Christ will always take the lowest place. The true servile of love will seek to give according to the wants of, and will never think to put shame on, the objects of the Master’s love because of their necessity.
The men taught of God for His service come forth from a place of strength where they have learned their own weakness and their own nothingness. They find that Jesus is everything in the presence of God; and Jesus is everything for them in all and through all. Such persons in the hand of the Holy Spirit are real helps for the children of God; they will not contend for a place of distinction, or authority among the scattered flock. Communion of man with God with respect to the church is shown by a frank disposition to be nothing in it, and thus one will be happy in one’s heart in spending and being spent. In our personal remembrances we have lessons to learn with fear and trembling. May the thoughts of power never occupy our hearts too much. “Power belongeth unto God.”
For about twenty years1 there has been a time of excitement, men seeking power everywhere and crossing seas to find it. Many thought of the church; but it was rather the church in power. They have felt and said that the power was lost; how regain it? From that time they became occupied anew with earthly things, as if they could work deliverance here below.
Many recollect how at that time Satan could put man forward, and the result has been the same everywhere. Whatever the form that such efforts adopted in those days of confusion and excitement they were invariably agreed to let all go on perceiving their deception (for all failed in their objects, and the results were only sects). There were moral marks of hostility against the Lord Jesus; or if His name were left untarnished, they prepared nevertheless the way for the terrible result of annulling the presence of the Holy Spirit Who alone can glorify Jesus.
The Great Shepherd will not forget the labor done in His name with a happy heart for His dear sheep, poor and necessitous. An unfading crown of glory and abundant praise in the day of His appearing will be the portion of those who meanwhile act thus. God will own all that He can own, and none will lose His recompense. I am not surprised at the disappointments which have followed all the efforts men have made in the church to introduce some formal system of ministry, authority or government.
God cannot allow men to come and arrange the ground on which in these days He, is pleased to find and bless His saints. We know very well what is the path of the flesh, which is completely indifferent about the fall of the church; it is to occupy a place among men where God has not granted it. J.N.D.
1. This is supposed to have been written about twenty or thirty years ago.