The put-put-put of a single engine plane broke the silence over the mountains surrounding Lake Sutherland. Looking up, someone might have seen a small, orange seaplane against a blue sky, flying just above a ragged ridge of mountain peaks. Instead of wheels, the plane had long floats attached under it so it could land on water.
On this perfectly still day, the pilot passed over the lake once to make sure the way was clear for landing, and then he turned the plane in a tight half circle. Pointing the nose downward to begin the long descent, the plane soon dropped below the mountaintops . . . then below the timbered hillsides . . . then below the treetops lining the lakeside. When he was just above the water, the pilot should have leveled the plane until the floats touched the water and then skimmed across the surface. Instead, the nose of the plane continued to point downward.
WHAM! The plane slammed into the water! A tall plume of water shot high into the air. The force of the impact broke off the wings of the plane and turned it into a mangled mess. The pilot and his companion in the cockpit were thrown violently forward, saved from severe injury only by their seat belts.
The impact with the water had taken the two men completely by surprise! After they recovered from their momentary shock, they quickly unbuckled their seat belts, pushed hard against the jammed door, and then dove out into the cold water.
A man who lived in a lakeside cottage saw the entire accident. He paddled his canoe out to the damaged plane and was able to bring the two men to safety. They were only bruised, but the plane was completely destroyed. Later a motorboat towed the wrecked plane to shore.
Evidently the surface of the lake was so glassy smooth that the pilot misjudged his height during the attempted landing and slammed into the water. And evidently many people are misjudging the distance they are from eternity and aren’t concerned about their soul’s need of salvation.
As the two men were flying towards the lake that day, we wonder if they had any thought that they might not have a safe landing. You and I are also traveling towards eternity, but have you thought about where you will spend yours? Each of us will either spend eternity with the Lord Jesus in heaven or spend it without Him in the blackness of hell. Eternity is only so many heartbeats away for any one of us.
Eternity in heaven is open for everyone, but it is our sin that will keep us out. “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:2223). Heaven is God’s home, and there can be no sin in His presence. To rescue us from sin, God sent His Son to die on the cross. “God [commends] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The blood the Lord Jesus shed on the cross can wash any sinner clean and make him or her ready to enter heaven. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Will you seriously consider that you are a traveler on the road to eternity and that because of your sin you need the Lord Jesus to wash you clean? This will give you a sure and safe arrival in heaven.
Which will yours be - a safe eternity in heaven? or a lost eternity in the destruction of hell? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).