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THIS is a picture of the Zoological Garden in Paris. The children are happy and seem to be not at all afraid of the animals. They have their mothers and keepers of the animals with them, so they have nothing to fear. Even the large elephants and camels are gentle and obedient. The Scripture says, Man shall have dominion over every living creature and so it is in this happy scene.
What a wonderful work of God, creation is! “GOD SAW EVERYTHING THAT HE HAD MADE, AND, BEHOLD, IT WAS VERY GOOD.” Gen. 1:31.
Yes, God made every beast of the field and fowl, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof.
Now in the creation of man there is a great difference. God formed man of the dust of the ground, but He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. God said “Let us make man in our image.” Gen. 1:26. This was not said of the animals.
How intelligent some animals are! We become very much attached to them. Yet, when the animal dies that is the end of it. The animal returns to the ground from which it was formed. With man it is quite different. He has a never-dying soul. Man is a responsible being and must give an account to God.
This is why, dear children, we persuade you all to accept God’s way of salvation. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. If He is your Saviour, you will spend eternity with Him in glory.
ML 07/04/1909