
Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
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WHAT a pretty scene this is! A young maiden out in the woods, seated on a mossy bank by the side of a brook; her feet perhaps bathed in its gently gliding waters, and all about her a forest of bushes and beautiful leaves. On her lap is a bunch of flowers, and some little daisies have fallen at her side. She is placing on her head a lovely crown which her hands have dexterously woven from the sweet flowers. But, beautiful as it looks in the picture, it is a crown that will soon fade and die. There is, however, a crown that will never fade and never pass away. Would you like to have such a crown?
Perhaps you have heard of the races of olden times, and how the person who won the race was crowned with a wreath of laurel. This crown was much prized, but it was soon gone.
Now there is another race to run; a race in which not one only, but all who run will receive a crown. This race is the Christian pathway, and the crown received by those who run this race will not fade away like the laurel wreath, or the wreath of flowers; it will be always fresh. It will never become tarnished and lose its beauty as do the crowns of gold and precious stones such as the kings and queens of earth wear.
It will be a wonderful crown—a crown that will last forever. I wish that every dear child who reads this paper may win this unfading crown that cannot be corrupted or defiled, and that will never be taken from them.
Does someone ask, how can I win it? If you will turn to the twelfth verse of the first chapter of James, you will see that the Lord has promised “the crown of life” to them that love Him. Those who believe on Him have everlasting life, and all who have this life will receive “the crown of life.”
God’s word speaks also of two other crowns, “the crown of righteousness” and “the crown of glory.”
It is those who “love His appearing,” who live day by day, and hour by hour, for Jesus, that will receive “the crown of righteousness.” And “the crown of glory” will be given to those who serve Him faithfully.
May you each one be found in the blessed race that will end in glory!
ML 10/21/1900