Daisy's Text

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Snowflakes falling everywhere, carpeting the ground in spotless white, resting on the boughs of leafless trees and glittering in the moonlight of the December night. Not a night for many little folks to be out of doors, yet one little form under a large fur-lined cloak, is speeding along in the snow from the village to her home in the country.
Daisy—for such is the little traveler’s name—has been on an errand of mercy to a poor wee sick child, living on the outskirts of the village, who has few comforts and no companions. Daisy, out of her own little store, had purchased a few toys and taken them to the little sufferer, and with them left her a pretty Text Card to learn, with the words upon it,
“Come now and let us reason, saith the Lord, though your sins he as scarlet they shall be white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18.
Daisy has delivered her message, and is returning home happy, because she has been able to make a lonely one glad, and to bring the glad tidings of salvation to a little sad heart, which may yet be opened to receive it and know what it is to be “white as snow.” Daisy herself has known that joy for three years. She was cleansed by the blood of the Lamb from all her sins and made “white as snow” when a tiny girl of seven, and ever since, she has sought to make others happy by telling them of Jesus and denying herself little luxuries in order to be able to gladden others who do not often share such things. Even the robins and are her care in the winter, she rises early in the stormy mornings to feed them.
“Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2.
ML 07/02/1939