Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(judge). (1) Fifth son of Jacob (Gen. 30:6; 49:16). Allotment (Josh. 19:40-46). Portion of the tribe moved north (Josh. 19:47-48; Judg. 18). (2) Changed name of Laish, or Leshem (Josh. 19:47; Judg. 18:29). (3) A place in Arabia (Ezek. 27:19).
“Dan” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Fifth son of Jacob, and first of Bilhah, Rachel’s maid (Gen. 30:6). Little is recorded of him personally: only one son is mentioned in Genesis 46:23. The tribe of Dan was, however, numerous: at the Exodus there were 62,700 fighting men, exceeding all the tribes except Judah; and at the second numbering they had increased to 64,400 (Num. 1:39; Num. 26:42-43). Yet when in the land the Amorites forced the children of Dan into the mountains: for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley (Judg. 1:34). This showed great want of faith in the DANITES (as they are called in Judg. 13:2; Judg. 18:1,11 and 1 Chron. 12:35); and Deborah in her song said, “Why did Dan remain in ships,” when the Lord’s enemies were being destroyed?
Their portion fell on the sea-coast between those of Manasseh and Judah. It was small in comparison with their numbers, which occasioned some going north and building the City of Dan. Dan was not conspicuous among the tribes, but Aholiab, who helped Bezaleel in the work of the tabernacle, was of the tribe (Ex. 31:6); and Samson also.
When Jacob blessed his sons he said, “Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward” (Gen. 49:16-17). This tribe was guilty of setting up very early in the land the idolatry, which continued until the people were carried into captivity (Judg. 18:30-31). One naturally associates “the adder that biteth the heels” with the serpent that would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15). It seems to suggest that the Antichrist will arise out of the tribe of Dan, and this indeed has been the judgment of Christians from the earliest times. Moses said, “Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan” (Deut. 33:22), which may be a prophecy that Dan would do the work of Satan (compare Psa. 13:12-13). This thought is confirmed by Dan’s name being absent from 1 Chronicles 2-8 (the book that records much of grace and blessing), and being omitted also from the list of tribes from each of which twelve thousand will be sealed in a future day (Rev. 7:3-8). Still God’s promises to the twelve tribes will be kept, and the tribe of Dan will have its portion in the land as prophesied in Ezekiel 48:1-2, 32.
“Dan, City of” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
The portion of land that fell to Dan being found too small, a party of them went far north unto Leshem or Laish, which they took, and destroyed; they built a city there and called it after their father Dan (Josh. 19:47). This is often named as the north border of Palestine; “from Dan to Beersheba” implying the whole land. It was here that open idolatry was early set up. The city is identified with a few ruins at Tell el Kady, 33° 15' N, 35° 39' E. The place is visited because one of the sources of the Jordan issues from a spring nearby.
In Ezekiel 27:19 occurs in the AV. “Dan also and Javan.” This is now judged to be better translated “Vedan and Javan,” though it is not known what place is alluded to by the name “Vedan.”
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 1777; judge; Dan, one of the sons of Jacob; also the tribe descended from him, and its territory; likewise a place in Palestine colonized by them
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
judging: a judge
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
He judged; human judgment:―name of a son of Jacob; also of the tribe descended from him, its territory; also of a place in Palestine, Gen. 30:6. {Iudicavit}