Danger Ahead!

IN America there is an ingenious contrivance to act as a warning. Often in large cities the railroads run under many bridges which are not sufficiently high to admit of the breakman standing erect on the top of the cars as the train passes under. There is a break connected with each car, which is worked from the top. Of a dark night the breakman would be struck by the bridge, and knocked off, and perhaps killed, if it were not for these signals.
They are constructed in this way. A wire is stretched from one side of the road to the other, and connected with a post on either side, and from this wire hangs a number of ropes, low enough to strike the breakman in the face, or about the head somewhere.
As the train passes along, the breakman coming in contact with these ropes knows that a bridge is near, and stoops so as to pass under the bridge in safety, knowing right well if he does not he will be struck by the bridge, knocked off the car, and perhaps run over and killed. He therefore heeds the warning, stoops, and passes safely under.
The Word of God is full of warnings of danger ahead. God has graciously hung out all along life’s road signals of warning. They are danger signals, they tell of what is coming. Like the rope striking the face of the breakman they are not very pleasant at the time, but they are mercies in disguise, because they warn people of their danger before it is too late.
Did you not hear of that, terrible collision the other day? So many were killed on the spot. That warned you of death. Did you not hear of the execution of that murderer a little ago? That warned you of coming judgment for this world, ―for you, if not saved. Of an autumn day have you not witnessed the falling of a leaf? Once it was a bud, then it broke forth into a leaf, then it turned yellow, and fell. You are that leaf, as it were. You came forth, into this world an infant bud, you developed into manhood or womanhood, and now, it may be, your days are in “the sere and yellow leaf”; God grant it may not be “the canker and the worm” ―a guilty conscience, death and judgment.
A man in the Western States, whom the writer knew, when dying, said to his son, who was by his bedside, Oh, George, I am on the wrong road, and it is too late!”
What a frightful discovery to make when it was too late! Who can tell the agony of that man’s soul at that moment! Too late! Eternally too late!
Had he not been warned by God and man? Yes, many a time; but he had not heeded the warning. He had rejected the Word of the Lord, spoken evil of His people, refused every warning; and now, as he was about to enter that long dark night of eternal sorrow, his bitter cry was, “Oh, George, I am on the wrong road, and it is too late!”
Friend, think of God’s danger signals. From your childhood have you not been warned of coming judgment, and of your need of a Saviour? Has not God in various ways spoken to your heart and awakened concern there? You remember that faithful sermon you heard preached some time since, which you felt to be the voice of God to you? That tract too you read, and the kind word from your Christian friend who yearns over your soul? But have you heeded the warning? Have you listened to His voice? Have you with all your heart turned to Him, and sought forgiveness at His hand through the Lord Jesus?
If not, beloved reader, heed the warning NOW; do not, I beseech you, turn a deaf ear to His gracious voice. “Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart” (Heb. 3:7, 8). “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Prov. 27:1).
This poor man in the Western States hardened his heart, and was lost. His own lips testified to his folly, and bore witness to the awful discovery that he made when it was too late! Be not like him. Be wise in time, and you will thank God for eternity. Come to the Saviour now―today―before death and eternity overtake you in your sins. Remember
“There are no pardons in the tomb,
And brief is mercy’s day.”
Do not put it off: Procrastination has damned, many souls. Many are lost forever who intended some day to be saved; but they delayed, and life’s thread was broken, and they went down into darkness.
Then remember what the Saviour suffered on the cross. See those agonies, those unutterable woes that. He endured! Hear that cry. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Think you that all this was for naught? Or was it not to save you from the pains of eternal judgment?
Reject not, I entreat you, a salvation that has been obtained at such an infinite cost. If you do, sorrow and everlasting remorse, added to Divine judgment, will be your portion forever. “How shall ye escape if ye neglect so great salvation?” (Heb. 2:3.) Oh, friend, heed the Divine warning, for
“Tonight may be thy latest breath,
Thy little moment here be done;
Eternal woe―the second death―
Awaits the grace-rejecting one;
Thine awful destiny foresee―
Time ends, and then Eternity!”
E. A.