THIS remarkable event took place I in a seaside town in England about 25 years ago. A Christian lady had a Sunday School class on the beach each Lord’s day, and many children would come to hear the sweet story of Jesus and His love. Often the lady would tell a story illustrating a Bible verse, and then let the children color a picture with the verse on it. One little girl named Daphne often went to the meetings, and one day, busy with her paper and crayons, wrote on hers, “Daphne, age 11. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14:6. Give thy heart to Me.”
After Sunday School was over, Daphne forgot to take her paper home, and the incoming tide washed the paper out to sea. But God must have had His eye on that little per, and He was going to use it in blessing to a sailor on a ship at sea. The sailor tells this story: “I worked on a small ship, and one night I hauled up a bucket of water and found floating on top of it that paper. When I saw the name `Daphne’ written there, it seemed a voice from the grave, for I had just buried my own little girl back home six months ago, and her name was Daphne too. It just seemed as if my little girl was telling me to give my heart to the Lord. I knew full well that I needed to be a better man. I could swear and gamble like the other sailors. But the longer I looked at that paper, the more I seemed to hear my little girl’s voice telling me to give myself to God. How could I give myself to God? — by yielding myself to Christ. I got down on my knees soon after, and God saved me! I determined that if I ever had the opportunity, I would try to find where the paper came from, and when I came back to port I asked if anyone knew of children’s services that were being held on the beach. Eventually I was told about the Christian lady, and came and told her what blessing that paper had been to me.”
The Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows how and where to find His lost sheep. A seeking sinner and a seeking Saviour always meet. Has He found you yet? Do you know your sins are forgiven? If not, the Good Shepherd is seeking for you.
“I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27,28.
Memory Verse “IF THOU SEEK HIM, HE WILL BE FOUND OF THEE.” 1 Chron. 28:9.
God’s love is like the sunshine,
That brightens land and sea;
It fills my heart with gladness
For I know that God loves me.