As we continue with our study of David and Saul we continue to see more and more of the flesh in action in Saul’s life. We want to remember that Saul is a picture to us of man in the flesh. At every test, Saul has failed just as the flesh fails at every test. But we now begin to see David (a wonderful type of Christ as well as a type of the new man that constitutes a believer’s life) come on the scene. The more we see of David and his ways, the more we think of our blessed Lord Jesus.
We also want to see that David is a very good example of the way in which the new man reacts to the situations that he faces. Every real believer is a new creation in Christ because he has the Spirit dwelling within him and he possesses the very life of Christ. This eternal life reacts in a very different way than the flesh.
In this final study of Saul we see how he is unable to keep his word of peace with David, how he resorts to witchcraft because the Lord does not speak to him, and finally how he falls in battle. A sad end to the man, but it is a striking picture of the flesh in all its pretensions and final failure to stand.
1. Saul pretended to be sorry for the way he had treated David. (See 1 Sam. 26:21.) But he does not really seem to own David as the rightful king over Israel. What did the Jews pretend to do in order to try to trap the Lord Jesus? Luke 20:___
2. When the Philistines came up against Israel to battle, Saul asked the Lord what He should do, but the Lord did not answer him. The Lord Jesus had a strong indictment against those who opposed Him and yet pretended to know how to lead Israel. What did he say about them? John 9:___
3. At one time Saul had put all the witches to death in Israel, but when he could not get an answer from God he turned to witchcraft for guidance. What does the Lord have to say about the condition of one who is delivered from this power and then turns back to it again? Luke 11:___
4. Saul, his sons and those who followed him were all slain by the Philistines, the enemy of God’s people. In viewing Saul as a picture of the flesh, what warning does Paul give to those who, though Christians, walk according to the flesh? Rom. 8:___
5. All who were with Saul fell with him and died. What happened to Judas and all that were with him when the Lord Jesus told them who He was?
John 18:___