David Brainerd and the Indians

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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David Brainerd was a missionary to the North American Indians many years ago. When he left home to tell the Indians of God’s love, his friends thought they would never see him again.
David traveled by foot deep into the wilderness with the good news. One day he knew he was nearing the large village he had been walking several days to reach. After a night’s sleep he was breaking camp to start on the trail again. He knelt down by his tent and asked the Lord for special help that day. He knew he would be in contact with Indians from the village that very day. He asked for special help to reach them with the Word of God.
As David knelt praying, he thought that only God was watching. Actually, a scouting party of Indians from the village was watching him. As they watched they saw a large rattlesnake crawl from under the log where David was kneeling. When it reached David’s feet it reared back as if to strike him on the leg. Suddenly, instead of striking, it turned and slithered off into the grass.
The watching Indians were amazed. For sure, some unseen hand had kept the snake from injuring the white man! They went back to their village and told the chief what they had seen. The council decided that the white man was under the protection of the “Great Spirit,” and they would not harm him.
When David reached the village he was surprised when the whole village came out to greet him. They listened to his preaching as he told them about the Lord Jesus Christ who loved them. Many of them accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
The same God who saved David Brainerd from the snake has saved many Indians and many white people from their sins. He loves you and wants to save you from your sins too. The way to have your sins forgiven is still the same way that David explained to the Indians. It is by believing, first, that you are a sinner and need a Saviour, and second, that the Lord Jesus was punished and died on the cross for your sins. That is all that is necessary. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
Have you believed?