Notice the first four words of the Bible. God created beautiful heavens and earth. In the story of creation God tells man (and us) all that we need to know, and nothing more.
V.1 It is not hard to understand what God is telling us about how He created everything. In contrast, the theory — it is only a theory an idea — of evolution is dreadfully complicated. By faith (by believing) we understand (Heb. 11:3). This verse describes the original creation, and that there may have been some tremendous judgment which fell on this earth. If so, then there could be thousands or millions of years between the first and the second verses. And this would explain much which men have discovered — coal, oil, minerals, etc. However, it could be that He created and put these things there, just by speaking. But He hasn’t told us.
V.3-31 Six literal days were taken to do this work — see this confirmed in Ex. 20:11 and Heb. 11:3.
V.26 Into this paradise (garden) God brings the first man Adam. God’s thoughts were always centered in man (Prov. 8:22-31). Adam and Eve did not know the difference between good and evil. They were innocent, and could enjoy God when He came down to speak with them.