Day 109 - Isaiah 57

Isaiah 57  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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In verses 1-12 we read about the bad behavior of the nation of Israel. God is the One Who is speaking here. In verses 13-19 we learn of the behavior of the small number of obedient Israelites whom we call, “the remnant.”
V.1-2 A righteous person dies, sometimes early in life, and others don’t seem to wonder why. No one realizes that God is taking them away to be with Him, and away from the evil days ahead.
V.3-12 The people referred to are those in the tribulation who refuse to listen to the Lord. Their wickedness gets worse and worse. It always does.
V.9 This refers to the false Messiah. He is referred to as “the king.” Turn to John 5:3, the Lord Jesus refers to another person who will come, pretending to be the Messiah. That person is the same one who is referred to in our verse 9.
V.13 A change takes place here. The Lord contrasts those who listen to the false voices, gods and idols, with those who trust in Him. Look at the promise in the last section of verse 13.
V.16 What a warning here!
V.18-19 Yet what promises to those who will put the Lord first!