Day 132 - Amos 2

Amos 2  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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V.1-3 Next comes Moab. You remember its beginning (Gen. 19:30-37). Today’s verses tell Moab’s end.
V.4-5 Here is a surprise. Even Judah does not escape. Judah was a part of Israel. Notice what these people were guilty of. They paid no attention to God’s Word! Are we careful about it? Do we read it every day? Do we obey it?
V.6-8 Lastly, the whole of Israel. They had no use for those who followed the Lord! What a terrible thing to be guilty of. God does not forget.
V.9-10 God reminds them of what He had graciously done for them. He tells them this to shame them!
V.11-12 Nazarites were any who devoted themselves completely to the Lord. Israelites enticed them to give up.
V.13-16 God’s patience will come to an end concerning these eight different groups.