V.1-28 Everything was in godly order under God’s king and all the people were happy. These chapters give us a little picture of the Kingdom of Christ in the millennium. In that future time Israel (all twelve tribes) will be happily gathered together around Christ, their King, and nothing will be lacking (v. 17)!
V.20 We can’t pass this verse without a comment. It seems so much like a wild party or self-indulgence — as we find said by the foolish men in Luke 12:19. However, it is really a picture of the future millennium, when everyone will enjoy personal peace. But for today the believer is in a world where there is no peace. Instead we are to be witnesses for a rejected Christ. So the beautiful verse for us is Romans 14:17; think that over.
V.29-34 From the greatest to the least, Solomon was above all and could speak with intelligence on any subject. Verse 34 reminds us of Zechariah 14:16, for Christ is “the King.”