V.21-22 One goat died as a sacrifice (vvs. 8-9). The other was called the scapegoat. On its head, Aaron laid both his hands, and confessed over the live goat all the people’s sins. The live goat carried away into the wilderness all the sins, and was seen no more. Christ is seen in both goats. The dead goat is a picture of Christ’s death. The other goat is a picture of our sins carried away by Christ, never to be remembered again by God.
V.23-24 The work of the atonement is finished, so Aaron is told to take off those special garments. Meaning? The Lord is doing different things for us in heaven. The change of clothes would tell us of His changing work.
V.25-28 Everything was done carefully and all speaks to us of the perfection of the work of God.
V.29-31 The day of atonement, on the 10th day of the seventh month, is a picture of when Israel as a nation, shall receive the new covenant, when the national shall be “born again.” (Read carefully Heb. 10:16-22; 8:10-13). Meaning? Wonderful for that nation which today is scattered, confused and frustrated.