V.15-17 To natural sight, Elisha’s position was hopeless. But to faith there is a bright side. May verse 16 be our constant thought. It will be, if we live with a tender conscience toward the Lord.
V.19 Elisha was the “man of God” in verses 6, 9-10, but notice it is missing here.
V.20 Elisha was experienced with the power of God, and wouldn’t neglect showing the grace of God. If we are conscious of the grace, we will know the power.
V.24-33 Now we come to Elisha’s last great appearance. Remember that Israel’s own disobedience to God had brought this famine on them. Read the warnings in Leviticus 26:21-29 and Deuteronomy 28:49-57.
V.30 Notice that the king wore two things. He was trying to be two things at once. Had he worn just the last item mentioned, there would not have been this famine. He was half-hearted in his humility. Sackcloth is a picture of repentance and humility.
V.25-32 Notice the contrast between what all the people and the king were doing with what Elisha is doing (Isa. 26:3).