The godly repentant ones are persecuted by the mocking ungodly ones, and they cry to the Lord, and trust in Him.
V.1 May that worthy name be more and more precious to us.
V.6-7 The result. We call on the name of the Lord when we’re in trouble, and then we praise that worthy name.
Psalm 55
In the life of David, there were several of his friends who turned against him; the saddest of all was his own son Absalom. And in the life of the Lord, it was Judas who turned against Him and betrayed Him.
V.12-13 The Lord sorrowed greatly at the hatred in the heart of Judas. The Lord grieves over the unbelieving part of the nation of Israel. He loved them, and had done so much for them, and yet they hated and despised Him.
V.16 The Lord Jesus lived for the glory of God. We too, can call on God and find our happiness in Him, even though friends may turn against us.
V.17 Daniel did this (See Dan. 6:10).