V.15-20 While king Josiah was ordering all these idolatrous things to be destroyed, he noticed some places where people had been buried (sepulchers). There were the places where the bones of the false prophets who had lived many, many years before. His eye caught a name which was engraved on a sepulcher. The men told him that it was the grave of that man of God who had lived about 350 years before (1 Kings 13:1, 30). So we see the two results — preservation for the two prophets, and destruction for all which was not of God.
V.21-23 One of the reasons this Passover was never equaled before or after it, was because everything was done according to God’s Word! What a message for every one of us today.
V.24 Remember that idolatry is always connected with worship. The human heart is never satisfied unless it has an object to worship. Today Satan is succeeding in deceiving millions through his cults with religious appearance. Even true believers are being led away from the truth of Scripture.
V.25 Those awful conditions were no hindrance to this king. Read carefully what it says about his faithfulness. Notice it was with his spirit (heart), soul and body (might).
V.26-27 In spite of the faithfulness of the king, God would not change from the severe punishment He had already announced (Read Jer. 15:4).
V.29-37 The punishment commences. Judah loses its faithful king Josiah, and gets two evil kings, both being the sons of Josiah. The kingdom of Judah is under the control of the king — “Pharaoh” means king. Like Caesar, Kaiser, Czar.