V.1-6 God watches our lives, and wants believers to behave in a way that would be for His glory, and that would also show a pure life before those who are not saved.
V.4 We are living in times when this verse is needed very much, for people are ignoring the very foundation of society, as established by God.
V.5 “Be content.” We will be if we believe the end of the verse.
V.7-8 The ones who may have been a help to us in bringing us to the Lord, or helped us to understand God’s Word. If a servant of the Lord does his work well, he will turn the eyes of everyone toward the Lord Jesus, who is always the same, and always will be.
V.8-9 We have everything in Christ and have to take care not to be involved in strange doctrine.
V.1 Brotherly love, toward one another.
V.2-7 Holiness toward one another.
V.9 Truth toward one another.
V.10 Christianity is entirely new and different from the Old Testament. Read verse 15 with verse 10.
V.13 Jesus was taken outside the religious city of Jerusalem and there He was crucified. If believers wish to be true to Him now, they will gathered around the Person of the Lord Jesus, outside of all the religions and denominations of men. To be gathered around any other name is to be disobedient to Ephesians 4:3. Christ is rejected, He has been cast out by this religious world. It does not say to go forth unto a church or a creed, but unto Him. Does He attract your heart?