V.1-3 God finished His work. Now He had rest. The Sabbath is God’s rest. However, God never says that the first creation was “perfect.” He said it was “good” and “very good” (Gen. 1:31).
Notice that so far only the word “God” is used. He is the Creator-God.
V.4-7 A new title — “Lord God.” This brings Him a little closer to people.
V.8-14 The beautiful garden in Eden (paradise of delights) is planted by the “Lord God.” One river (picture of blessing) ran out of this garden and became four rivers. “Four” is a number in the scriptures which means “universal,” or, like the four corners of the earth. Four rivers to bless the earth. But it wasn’t going to last long.
V.18-25 The first marriage. A beautiful picture of the last marriage to take place — Christ and His bride — every true believer in Him (Rev. 19:7). The man needs a companion, suitable to him — his like. Let us see the deep meaning. About 4,000 years will pass by before we see what God had in His heart. His Son, the Lord Jesus was to become Man. He is God and Man in one. He was to have a bride. We believers in the Lord Jesus are His bride (Eph. 5:23, 32). Adam is put to sleep — Christ went into death. The woman is taken out of the man — the bride of Christ comes into existence out of Christ. God gave the bride to His Son as a reward for what His Son has done for Him, Christ has glorified God on the earth. (John 17:4). There is only one body — the body is the one and only church there is (Eph. 1:22-23). The church is not a building or a particular group of believers. The church is composed of every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.