The Lord is going to act publicly.
V.1-9 Twelve rods (sticks) were to be taken and put before the ark, the very dwelling place of God. The name of each tribe was written upon each individual rod.
V.8 What a miracle! The rod of Aaron the High Priest, had brought forth buds, blossoms and almonds, all in one night! This is a picture of life and resurrection out of death! And the One who is our High Priest, the One who is up there in the presence of God for us, is now alive from among the dead, able and willing to lead us and keep us on our way home. Let us not forget the present work of our Lord in heaven (Rom. 5:10); without it we could not survive.
V.12-13 What pitiful unbelief, even after this wonderful miracle. The chapter ends with a question. In tomorrow’s chapter the answer.