V.31-45 Here we have the greatest foretelling of future political events that the world has ever known. The dream was of a high statue of brilliant and awesome appearance. There were four different materials, pure gold head, silver chest and arms, bronze belly and thighs, iron legs, its feet part iron and part clay. While he was watching it, a stone struck the great image in the feet and broke them, then, bit by bit, the whole image was smashed to pieces. Then the stone grew larger and larger till it filled the whole earth. Daniel next told the king its meaning. Four Empires would arise in the world, one following the other. the last would disappear and then arise again and be totally destroyed. All this is very important to us because, though this was written about 2,600 years ago, it is telling of events that are taking place in Europe today, the restoration of the Roman Empire.
V.44-45 The stone is explained. It is a type of the Lord Jesus who shall appear and completely destroy the revived Roman Empire (Rev. 19:13-16).
V.46-49 King Nebuchadnezzar pours honors on Daniel but soon forgets him.