V.1-10 There is joy in heaven because punishment of evil is carried out. God is thus honored — the wicked, false religious system, the false bride is destroyed. The true bride is in heaven and is about to be displayed. While these awful things are happening on earth, a great event takes place in heaven. The marriage of the Lamb. The Lord Jesus is married to His bride — the Church of the New Testament — and who is she? Every sinner who has been cleansed by His precious blood, by the death of Christ, and since the descent of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful day for us! This ends the second great section of this book. Now the last section.
V.11-21 The Lord coming in glory, “E” on the chart. These verses describe that event. He comes in rage, the lowly Jesus Who has been despised and rejected, will come as a conquering King and Victor. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. At long last, He has His right place. Do we give Him this place in our hearts today?
V.14 “The armies” in heaven are not angels but saints (we believers), they follow their Captain. This is the fulfillment of Enoch’s prophecy (see Jude, v. 14).
V.19-21 A vast army, led by the beast, the head of the Roman Empire, gathers together to fight the Lord Jesus. All are destroyed by Him!
V.20 Who can paint in words the horror of such a doom (punishment)? This will be the punishment of two persons, one a Jew (see outlines on Rev. 13:11) and the other a Gentile (Rev. 13:1), and perhaps both on the earth at this moment! “The lake of fire” is a place, and not a condition, mentioned here for the first time.