V.1 This helps us to see the source of Balaam’s work — enchantment, which is like witchcraft. It is Satanic.
V.2-9 The third vision from God — God’s view of Israel — their acceptance before God and the blessings to follow. In verse 2, Balaam saw Israel’s camp in unity and order, according to their tribes. In verse 5 he sees how beautiful the camp looked, in verse 6 he senses the sweet fragrances as from gardens beside nourishing waters, in verse 7 the abundance of everything needed to make them comfortable and happy, in verse 8 the power of God for them and with them, and in verse 9 God’s acceptance of them and the blessings which flow from that acceptance.
V.10-14 King Balak and Balaam fall out. Balaam is told to go, but before he goes he tells Balak Israel’s glorious future and what they would do to King Balak’s nation!
V.20-25 Balaam ends his visions by telling of the destruction of the different nations which surround Israel.