Day 247 - Proverbs 21

Proverbs 21  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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V.1-8 These eight verses show us that God not only sees every act a person does, but He sees the heart and the reason why a thing is done!
V.1 God reminds us that even a king’s heart is in His hand.
V.2 People say “Let your conscience be your guide.” Here we learn that everyone thinks they are doing right, and may not have a bad conscience about it. Look back at comments on Prov. 20:30. Self-righteousness is a serious sin, and we’re all guilty of it at times. But if we are sensitive to His Word then we will want to know what He sees in our heart. God’s Word is the only guide we can use.
V.6 People may succeed in making money by telling lies, but in the end they will only be filled with frustration. Neither happy here, nor hereafter.
V.9 It would be a sad thing if any believing wife would be like this. But God gives wisdom on how to act, should a man find himself in this situation.
V.10 A selfish person finds his pleasure in doing evil; in his heart, he has no room for thoughts of his neighbors.
V.11 The two ways instruction is received. The wise person accepts instruction from the Bible.
V.14 A little gift calms even an angry person, if it is given without anyone else seeing it.
V.21 Three wonderful rewards.
V.24-31 Warnings, read them carefully.