V.1-10 “Among you” doesn’t necessarily refer to believers. But the Christians found themselves in the middle of mixed tribes (Read James 1:1), and so they might find themselves implicated in these disputes. These fightings were the result of indulging in pleasures; the will was unbroken; lusts distracted them: they wanted what they didn’t have. Sounds familiar today!
V.3 Is this why we don’t get answers to our prayers?
V.4 Serious warning against being friendly with people who do not love the Lord. It is a dreadful thing to be described as an enemy of God. But Scripture here says a person is such when he is friendly with the world. We shouldn’t be friends of worldly people, but we should be the best friends they have.
V.6 Grand comfort for the believer. Mercy in James 2:13, 3:17, grace here. Pick up the gems in James there are many.
V.7-17 What more important message for us: submit to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse your hands — there are ten statements here.