V.13, 16 An important chapter too — in it we find the words which the Lord Jesus quoted to Satan when He was being tempted by him (Matt. 4).
V.4-19 These bring before us God Himself. And this is one of the greatest reasons why the people should obey the Lord. Read carefully this tender pleading of God with His people. He wanted to bless them! There were many false gods in the countries round about Israel. The people who had lived in this land were the most idolatrous people (Deut. 9:5). So the children of Israel had a wonderful opportunity to show to all the others that they had the One and only true God.
V.5 Notice spirit (heart), soul and body (might).
V.7 What a wonderful way to bring up our children.
V.16 Tempting God is to doubt Him. We are guilty of this sometimes. The person who believes God, is calm and peaceful at all times!
V.20-25 Parents, read carefully. Are our children hearing the Word of God from our lips?
Summary. In spite of all this tender pleading by God to them, they failed. Read Deuteronomy 29:4, they lost out. Not because they didn’t keep up the sacrifices (they kept them), but because even in keeping them, they were not doing it from love for God, but thinking that in this way alone they would be considered righteous. (Read Isa. 1:10-20).